AboutWho We Are
SMART group of companies is an amalgamation of four subsidiary company of its parent company.
SMART Group of Companies was set up in 2013 by groups of indigenous successful youth groups’ entrepreneurs who had a fierce passion in rebuilding new Somalia.
Since its establishment in 2013, SMART has carried splendid construction and real estate projects for private and public institutions within and outside country. This incredible achievement would have been impossible without its in-house and outsourced highly skilled architects and complex facilities of architectural designs, soil testing, soil sampling, mapping, surveying and provision of variety of style to choose from.
SMART was set up to cater for the procurement needs of Somali companies, agencies , the Somali federal government, local successful trading companies, civil society organizations, international organizations, rehabilitation of private and public infrastructure , residential and non-residential buildings, hotels, rehabilitation of irrigation canals, erection of water tanks, building of berkas, water pans, rain water harvesting structures, drilling, digging, well casings, construction and rehab of shallow wells, hand-dug wells, road works, construction of bridge culverts, fly over’s, electrical installation of such as inhouse design, planned maintenance , inspection & testing of all electrical systems, energy saving & reporting and carbon reduction planning.

Our Vision
To be a world class company in developing ideal investment opportunities & innovative real business solutions, both locally & globally, that exceeds our client’s expectation.

Our Mission
To provide high quality services and products in the region based on the highest standard of ethics, values and client care.

Core Values
Our success will always be measured by the happiness and the loyalty of our clients. Our Corevalues are Safety, Reliability, Responsiveness, Honesty, Integrity, Culture and Passion.
Why choose us
SMART is also engaged in the general trading of livestock and banana export, fishing ,import of textile, electrical gadgets ,logistics, inland transportation, sea & air freight , tour, travel and security provision services as well.
SMART has long history of quality service provision with many privately owned dominant general service companies within and abroad. After a detailed discussion, into environmentally sound and workable schemes, our extensive experience allows us to develop the client’s performance requirements. SMART is a platform through which companies can use and expand their business horizon.
SMART achieved this, simply because of good communication and understanding, and correct use of contract management tools: reporting, progress evaluation, and an imaginative flexible approach to solving problems.
Services & Products
General Trading
Export livestock, banana; import , trading, clearing & forwarding.
Constructions, rehabilitation ,tendering, procurement etc
Sea & air freight , inland transport, courier, ticketing, and reservations
Guarding, Quick Response Team, Alarm systems ,CCTV, metal detectors